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Do doctors recommend breastfeeding for most babies?

Dr. Hannelie Potgieter

Yes. Doctors recommend breastfeeding your baby for at least 1 year (12 months) if possible. For the first 6 months, breast milk is the only food a baby needs. Most babies start eating other foods, in addition to breast milk, when they are 4 to 6 months old. Breastfeeding has many benefits for both you and your baby. This is true even if you breastfeed for only a short time.

When can I start breastfeeding?

Most people can start breastfeeding in the delivery room. It's best to start breastfeeding as soon as possible after giving birth, ideally within the first hour. "Skin-to-skin contact" can help your baby learn to breastfeed.

For the first few days, most people make only a small amount of yellowish milk called "colostrum." Colostrum has all of the nutrition a newborn needs. You will start making more milk after 2 or 3 days. Breastfeeding frequently will help your body make more milk. How should I hold my baby during breastfeeding?

There are different ways you can hold your baby during breastfeeding. You can try different positions to figure out which way works best for you and your baby.

What does "latch-on" mean?

Latch-on is another word for when a baby makes a tight seal with their mouth around the nipple and the areola (the dark skin around the nipple) A good latch-on helps the baby get enough milk and helps protect your nipples. You might feel a tugging or pulling at your nipples. If you feel pain or rubbing, you should take the baby's mouth off of your breast, then have them latch on again.

How often should I breastfeed and how long should a feeding last?

You should breastfeed when your baby shows signs of being hungry. A baby can show that they are hungry by:

-Waking up from sleep -Moving their head around as if they are looking for the breast -Sucking on their hands, lips, or tongue Babies can breastfeed on different schedules and for different amounts of time. For example, some babies finish a feeding in 5 minutes, but others might take 20 minutes or longer. Newborn babies feed about 8 to 12 times each day.

Doctors recommend letting the baby finish breastfeeding on one side so that they get all the milk from that breast. Then, you can see if your baby wants to drink from your other breast. The next time you breastfeed, try to remember which breast your baby started on the last time, and start on the other side. Switching the side, you start with each time will help both your breasts continue to make milk.

How do I know if my baby is getting enough breast milk?

You can tell if your baby is getting enough breast milk by: Checking their diapers – By day 4 or 5 after birth, babies should have at least 4 or 5 wet diapers a day. Checking their bowel movements – By day 4 after birth, babies should have 4 or more bowel movements a day. By day 5, their bowel movements should be yellow. Breastfed babies can skip up to 5-7 day passing stool Having your doctor or nurse check to see if your baby is gaining weight

Does my baby need any other food or drink?

For the first 6 months, most babies need only breast milk. Babies who are breastfed also need to take extra vitamin D. This comes as a liquid that you give your baby using a dropper. Your baby's doctor can talk to you about how to do this and how much vitamin D to give. Vitamin D is important to build strong bones.

When a baby is between 4 and 6 months old, they can start eating and drinking other things, too. Ask your doctor or nurse which foods to feed your baby and when. You can still continue to breastfeed after your baby starts solid foods.

What problems can happen during breastfeeding?

Some people have problems during breastfeeding that can include:

-Swollen, hard, and painful breasts -Painful or cracked nipples -Breast or nipple infections -Blocked milk ducts, which can cause red and painful breast lumps

How are breastfeeding problems treated?

Breastfeeding problems are treated in different ways. Treatment will depend on the problem. For example, if you have swollen, hard, and painful breasts, you might feel better if you:

-Use your hand or a breast pump to let some milk out -Use an ice pack or take pain-relieving medicine to treat the pain -Take a warm shower to start your milk flow and let some milk out Talk with your doctor or nurse if you are having problems with breastfeeding. Almost all breastfeeding problems can be treated. Some people also find it helpful to talk with a breastfeeding expert called a "lactation consultant."

Should I see a doctor or nurse?

Call your doctor or nurse if you have:

-A blocked milk duct that does not get better -A fever and a hard, red, and swollen area of the breast -Blood leaking from the nipples -Pain that lasts for the whole breastfeeding session

Do I need to change how I eat or drink when I am breastfeeding?

Maybe. You should eat a healthy diet and drink plenty of liquids. If you are trying to lose weight, breastfeeding might help. If you have a restrictive diet, for example if you avoid meat or animal products, talk to your doctor or nurse. They might suggest taking iron or certain vitamins while you are breastfeeding to make sure you are getting the nutrients you need.

Can I keep taking my medicines while I am breastfeeding?

Some medicines are not safe to take while you are breastfeeding. But in most cases, it's possible to keep taking the medicines you need, or switch to different medicines. If you take any medicines, let your doctor or nurse know. They can make sure that those medicines are safe to take when breastfeeding. Illegal drugs are harmful for a breastfeeding baby.

Do I need to eat more while breastfeeding?

It depends. The most important thing is to eat a healthy diet. The number of calories you need depends on your age, weight, height, and how active you are. Breastfeeding might help you lose weight after pregnancy if you breastfeed for at least 6 months.

Do I need to drink more water while breastfeeding?

Yes. It's important to make sure to drink enough fluids while you are breastfeeding. To make sure that you drink enough, always drink when you feel thirsty. If you have a dry mouth or dark-colored urine, you probably need to drink more. It might be helpful to keep water or another healthy drink nearby when you breastfeed.

Do I need to take vitamins while breastfeeding?

It depends on what your usual diet is like. If you eat meat and fish, you probably do not need to take a daily vitamin. But if you eat a vegan diet (no meat, chicken, fish, eggs, or dairy foods), you should take a daily vitamin that has vitamin B12 in it. Let your doctor or nurse know if there are certain foods or food groups you do not eat. They can help you figure out whether you need extra vitamins.

Some people need to take an iron supplement. Supplements are pills, capsules, liquids, or tablets that have nutrients in them. Your doctor might prescribe a daily iron supplement if you have a condition called "anemia" after you give birth or if your diet is low in iron. It's also important to make sure you get enough calcium and vitamin D each day. Calcium and vitamin D help keep your bones strong. Different foods and drinks have calcium and vitamin D. But most people do not get enough through their diet alone. So, unless you drink a lot of milk (more than 3 servings a day), you will probably need to take a supplement, too.

Are there foods I should avoid while breastfeeding?

Yes. You should avoid certain types of fish while you are breastfeeding. That's because some types of fish have a lot of mercury in them. Mercury is a substance that can pass through the breast milk to the baby. It can cause problems with a baby's brain and nervous system. Other types of fish and seafood do not have as much mercury. In fact, these are healthy for both you and your baby. Doctors recommend that people who breastfeed eat these types of fish and seafood about 2 times a week

Can I drink caffeine if I am breastfeeding?

Some caffeine can pass through your breast milk to your baby. Some babies can get fussy or have trouble sleeping from caffeine. Most experts recommend not having more than 2 or 3 cups of coffee per day while you are breastfeeding.

Can I drink alcohol if I am breastfeeding?

If you drink, some alcohol does pass through your breast milk to your baby. After you have 1 drink, it takes about 2 hours for your body to get rid of the alcohol. Because of this, most doctors recommend having only an occasional drink that has the same amount of alcohol found in a single glass of wine. They also recommend waiting 2 hours after having a drink before you breastfeed.

Can I smoke if I am breastfeeding?

No, you should avoid smoking or vaping. In fact, anyone with a newborn or infant should stop smoking and vaping. That's because babies whose parents smoke can sleep poorly and have breathing problems, lung infections, or ear infections. They are also more likely to die from something called "sudden infant death syndrome" or "SIDS." This is when a baby younger than 1 year old dies suddenly for no known reason. Smoking or vaping might also reduce the amount of milk that your body makes. When should I stop breastfeeding?

If possible, it is a good idea to keep breastfeeding until your baby is about 1 year old. But people choose to stop breastfeeding at different times and for different reasons. When you do decide to stop, doctors recommend doing it gradually. You can drop one feeding every 2 to 5 days or breastfeed for a shorter time each feeding. This will make it easier for your body to adjust. It will also give your baby time to get used to breastfeeding less.

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